Healthy lifestyle

Wednesday, October 21, 2020

October 21, 2020

Reasons and solutions of Blemish on your Skin

Reasons and solutions of Blemish on your Skin


The word “blemish” is synonymous with acne scars.Marks on your face and acne scars are the most probable culprits. But, a blemish is any mark or discoloration on your skin.

Acne scars, dermatosis papulosis, hypopigmentation, lentigenes, melasma, rosacea, vascular proliferations, and other facial scars are Blemishes.Here are some factors that are behind any marks on your face.

1. Acne

Acne is the most common skin Problum. Causes of acne could be hormonal, genetic, or due to certain medications. Acne formed due to hair follicles and oil producing glands of the skin.This inflammation is caused due to bacteria  multiplying in the blocked hair follicles.There are two basic types of acne scars. These are

Atrophic scars:

  •  These scars are caused because of a net loss or gain of collagen, the protein that gives skin its elasticity. These type of scars are more divided into

    • Ice-pick scars:

    •  These scars are deep and narrow. They are 60–70% of all cases of acne scarring.

    • Rolling scars:

    •  These scars have broad depressions.They are  with a sloping edge. They make up for 20to30% of all acne scars.

    • Boxcar scars:

    •  These scars have broad depressions.But with sharply defined edges. They are reasons of 15to25% of all acne scars.

  • Hypertrophic or Kleoid scars: 

  •  These scars have pink colour,  they are thick, firm, and lumpy. They are rare.They caused due to excess collagen deposition and decreased collagenase activity.

There are a lot of medical, surgical, and laser options available to get rid of acne scars.

2. Aging

Getting is not only gives you grey hair but sometime also give you blemishes. Certain blemishes are the hallmark of aging.Blemishes can be divided into three types

  • Liver spots:

  •  This type of blemish caused due to excessive sun exposure or due to ultraviolet light.  They are seen  by flat brown spots on the skin and are harmless.

  • Purpura:

  •  This happens when tiny blood vessels called capillaries break and leak blood into the skin. This blemish is red and flat at first and gradually turns brown or purple.

  • Seborrheic Keratoses:

  •  This type of  blemishes are smooth .They have  tiny, round, pearl-like formations embedded in them, rough and warty, or brown and black. Reasons behind this condition is  unknown and they usually appear on the head, neck, or trunk.

These spots require no treatment.Some how certain laser and surgical procedures might help fade them. Be sure about  dermatologist-approved procedures. Do not cosmetic treatment in private outlets.

3. Sun Exposure

Sun exposure also leads to blemishes. Like liver spots Sometimes sun damage might cause melasma. This condition Can be seen as irregular dark patches. It is common in pregnant women and women in their 20s and 30s. It is important to note that hormonal changes due to contraceptives, pregnancy, or postmenopausal hormone therapy as well as low levels of thyroid hormone might intensify melasma.

Sometimes sun exposure might darken freckles. They are generally no cause for worry, they indicate an increased risk of  skin cancer.

4. Genetics

Sometimes,blemishes on your skin might be in your DNA. Certain genetic disorders that Can be contribute to marks on your face Which are

  • Darier disease:

  •  This condition leaves wart-like blemishes on the forehead. This type of blemishes are usually yellowish in colour.They are hard to the touch.They are mildly greasy. Sometimes might emit a strong odor. Sun exposure, injuries, scratching, and ingestion of certain medications might aggravate this condition.

  • Fabry disease:

  •  This Type of Blemishes are caused due to the buildup of a particular type of fat in the body’s cells. It leads to the clusters of small and dark red spots on the skin.

Other gene-driven blemishes include birthmarks, cafe au lait spots (flat and brown), Mongolian spots (blue or dark green), and hemangiomas (red or pink).  This type of blemishes usually fade with time or shrink in size with ages.

5. Skin Conditions

Sometime different condition that affect the skin leave behind blemishes. Some type of blemishes come with ageing.Skin conditions that cause marks on the face include

  • Rosacea: 

  • This condition leads to reddened skin and pimples that leave behind marks. The cause for the condition itself, is unknown.

  • Chickenpox: 

  • This common condition is caused due to varicella zoster virus.This virus leaves behind scars that might need treatment to fade.

  • Facial herpes: 

  • This Type of scars are caused by herpes simplex virus.After the affect they leaves behind scars around the lips, nose, and cheeks. Sometime surgical procedures and creams might fade blemishes caused by herpes.

With all of these factors contributing to blemishes, it might seem like there’s no way to avoid them. And, having stated that, it’s important to remember that they’re common and entirely normal.

Thursday, October 1, 2020

October 01, 2020

If you Have Smell In Your Hair So Don`t Worry !

If you Have Smell In Your Hair So Don`t Worry !

 An unpleasant smell from the hair is intrusive and daunting. Various reasons like an oily scalp, dandruff, applying conditioner to the scalp, excessive sweating, pollution, bacterial infection, and fungal infection contribute to the odor. While some are the results of poor hygiene, some are due to hormonal imbalances or environmental factors. It can be managed successfully with the below herbs, essential oils, and their respective home remedies.

How To Get Rid Of Smelly Hair

1. Thyme

Thyme is a herb from the mint family with distinct smell and taste. It reduces the odor in the hair due to its antifungal and antiseptic properties. Various shampoos nowadays are including thyme extract as one of their active ingredients. A herbal tea made from thyme can be used to wash your hair.

  1. Simply, boil 2 cups of thyme sprigs in 2 liters of water for 15 minutes, in a vessel covered with a lid.
  2. Let the solution cool down.
  3. Strain after cooling and use.

2. Garlic Oil

Though garlic has a distinct pungent smell, it is an effective herb for treating smelly scalp. Due to the presence of sulfur, it acts as an antifungal and antibacterial agent. Garlic oil can be prepared at home by boiling 3–4 cloves of garlic in half a cup of coconut oil. It is also readily available in drug stores.

  1. Dip a cotton ball in warm garlic oil.
  2. Apply it to your scalp and massage thoroughly.
  3. Wait  for 20 minutes and then shampoo your hair.

3. Aloe vera

Due to its healing properties aloe vera has been gaining its place in a range of beauty products; from face cream to face wash to shampoos. It actively fights the bad odor caused due to oily scalp or dandruff. It also nourishes the scalp by retaining the moisture and conditions your hair.

  1. Extract aloe vera gel from the leaves by gently slicing them horizontally in two halves.
  2. Shampoo your hair with your regular shampoo.
  3. After thoroughly washing your hair, apply the gel onto your hair and scalp.
  4. Leave it stay for 15 minutes and then rinse off.

4. Onion Juice

Onion, just like garlic, has sulfur which fights bacteria and fungi effectively. This helps in treating smelly hair and scalp. Onion also promote hair growth, helping you getting rid of baldness.

  1. Chop onions into 5–6 pieces and put them in a juicer.
  2. Squeeze the pulp thoroughly to extract the juice.
  3. Apply onion juice on your scalp and then  massage gently.
  4. Leave it for 30 minutes and shampoo after that.

5. Tomato Juice

The vitamins and iron content in tomatoes help increase the acidity level of your scalp, killing the bacteria and fungi. It also cleanses dandruff and promotes shine to hair.

  1. Wash the tomatoes and put them in a juicer.
  2. Shampoo your hair before applying the tomato juice on your scalp and hair.
  3. Leave it for 5 minutes, like a conditioner and rinse thoroughly.

6. Lavender Oil

One of the commonly used essential oils, lavender oil offers various benefits to hair. Its antiseptic properties fight fungi, bacteria, and other microbes that induce odor. It also as a moisturizer and also improves blood circulation to the hair, which enhances growth.

  1. Wash your hair with a shampoo (preferably free of sulfates) and dry thoroughly.
  2. Add 5 drops of lavender oil on your scalp.
  3. The smell keeps lingering for a long time.

7. Tea Tree Oil

Tea tree oil has excellent properties of reducing dandruff and smelly scalp. The antimicrobial properties help keep the odor at bay.

  1. Dilute 3–4 drops of oil in warm water.
  2. Pour this on your scalp and allow it to sit for 20–30 minutes.
  3. Use a sulfate-free shampoo to rinse your hair.

8. Margosa Oil (Neem Oil)

Margosa oil has been used since times immemorial for its various health benefits. It is effective in treating itchy scalp and dandruff which are responsible for the odor. It also promotes hair growth and treats symptoms of eczema.

  1. Dilute margosa oil in a carrier oil like coconut oil, jojoba oil, or olive oil. The blend should have 10–20% margosa oil.
  2. Apply it on your scalp and massage gently.
  3. Rinse with a mild shampoo.
  4. You can alternatively add 2-3 drops of this oil in your shampoo and use it directly on the scalp.

9. Lemon Juice

With properties that get rid of scalp infections and dandruff, lemon juice comes as an easy option to treat smelly hair.

  1. Squeeze a lemon and dilute it in 2 cups of water.
  2. Shampoo your hair and pour this diluted solution on your scalp.
  3. Leave it for around 5 minutes and rinse off.

10. Apple Cider Vinegar

Loaded with active cleansing properties, apple cider vinegar treats the conditions that cause smelly hair. It works by changing the pH of your scalp, killing the microbes.

  1. Shampoo your hair.
  2. Mix half a tablespoon of apple cider vinegar in 1 cup of water.
  3. Apply it on your scalp and leave it for less than 2 minutes.
  4. Rinse off with water and pat dry your hair.

Smelly hair though might seem embarrassing are a common problem. Following a healthy diet, hydrating sufficiently, using lukewarm water to wash hair and choosing the right kind of shampoo also play an important role in avoiding smelly hair. It is suggested to avoid using hair products like gels and hair sprays which have the potential of increasing the odor.

Wednesday, September 30, 2020

September 30, 2020

Benefits Of using milk On Your Skin

Benefits Of using milk On Your Skin

 Milk is a rich source of calcium and protein, milk usually fit on the A-list of healthy foods for many of us. If you are thinking whether milk can be used as an ingredient in your skincare routine, you are on the right track! Milk when it is raw and unpasteurized or slightly fermented or sour ,can help your skin in many ways.

1. Fights Wrinkles

With passing age we can feel fine lines and wrinkles on our skins as well as our skin also becomes thinner and less firm. Sometimes this skin aging takes place before  of its time, Because of poor skin care or excess exposure to the sun. But milk can help you fight these signs of skin aging. Milk contains an alpha hydroxy acid known as lactic acid that can boost skin health. According to one study, when participants used lactic acid on their skin twice a day for 3 months it reduced the appearance of wrinkles and lines, made skin smoother, and improved its firmness and thickness. Since when milk is fermented by bacteria lactic acid is formed ,By applying raw or slightly sour milk to make the most of this beneficial effect.

2. Works As A Gentle Exfoliator

It’s important to exfoliate skin regularly to remove dead skin cells which make your complexion dull and lifeless. Due to  lactic acid which is present in  milk can work as a gentle exfoliator which dissolves dead skin cells.This treatment Is safe and  without any of the damaging effects that you can see with harsh chemical exfoliators.

You can apply milk directly on your face.Other way you can add it to your bath water for a natural and gentle exfoliation treatment. You need to exfoliate 3–4 times a week If you have thick and oily skin .For sensitive skin you need for exfoliating just once or twice a week.

3. Revives Sun-Damaged Skin And Soothes Sunburns

Sun exposure can cause a lot of damage to your skin. Sun exposure make your skin thin, make it less elastic, and lead to wrinkles. But research shows that lactic acid can help mitigate sun damage. It results in the shedding of your epidermis, which is the outer layer of skin, thereby promoting the remodeling of skin. Studies shows that lactic acid which is present in milk can increase collagen, which is a protein that imparts strength and firmness to skin. In fact, it can even help fade your suntan .

Interestingly, milk is also recommended in the ancient science of ayurveda for soothing sunburns.The fats in milk lock in the skin moisture. Just dip a gauze pad in some cold milk and apply it to sun-burned skin for relief.

4. Helps Fix Uneven Skin

Freckles, brown spots, suntan, hyperpigmentation, skin disorders like melasma all have something in common. That’s melanin, the pigment which is responsible for skin color. As melanin increases, your skin gets darker. Excessive deposits of melanin can lead to a hyperpigmented or uneven complexion. Raw or sour milk can help here too. 

You could even try a traditional recipe from South Asia for lightening skin. Mix up  raw milk with turmeric powder to make a thick paste and apply it to darkened skin. Rinse off with water once dry. Turmeric powder and milk paste has strong power to reduce dark skin.

5. Moisturizes Skin

Dry skin is a common problem that many of us face. Dry skin that feels rough to the touch and may even itch or crack. Lactic acid present in milk is a powerful agent that  preserves moisture and helps keep your skin supple.Fats present in milk coat your skin and prevent the moisture from your skin. Milk proteins helps to get  smooth and soft skin, Milk is found in the ingredient list of many cosmetic moisturizers. Apply some milk to your skin every day for healthy and  moisturized skin.

Milk In Your Diet: Effects On Skin

Healthy skin requires a nutritious diet and a balanced intake of macronutrients (carbs, proteins, fats) and micronutrients (minerals, vitamins). Milk is a nutritionally full food which gives a range of nutrients such as calcium, iron, magnesium, phosphorus, zinc, copper, selenium, vitamin C, thiamine, riboflavin, niacin, pantothenic acid, vitamin B6, folate, vitamin A, vitamin B 12, vitamin E, and vitamin D. Many of these nutrients are vital for skin health and have different benefits. While that’s reason enough to include milk in your diet, ironically, research shows that that the dietary intake of milk can be a mixed bag when it comes to your skin.

Intake of milk proteins for 3 months improved skin appearance. It helped reduce skin roughness, discoloration, and peeling or flaking of skin. 

 See how your body reacts to milk in general and have it in moderation. Many of the nutrients it offers can also be derived from other sources like fruits, vegetables, and whole grains. So there are other ways to catch up!

Wednesday, August 12, 2020

August 12, 2020



Dark circles uder eyes

What are dark circles?

Dark circles under the eyes are a common problem of both men and women sometimes they can be seen in children. After geting age skin becomes thinner and collagen is lost, Appearance of blood vessels beneath the eyes and making the area appear darker.
The dark circles are also cause  tired, puffy eyelids, or just from the anatomical shape of someone’s eye sockets: some are hollowed more than others.
People with dark circles could be suffering from a skin condition of the eyelid skin such as eczema or allergic contact dermatitis. Inflammation from dry and sore skin and rubbing cause melanin production.



Eye strain



Sun overexposure


Dark eye circles are not dangerous but many people seek ways to treat or hide them. Sometime it may not be possible to remove them altogether.
Some people may think that dark circles under their eyes make them look tired and older, so they search for home remedies and treatments that can minimize their appearance.
Keep reading to learn more about how to remove or improve the appearance of dark circles under the eyes.

Treatment for dark eye circles depends on the causes.There are some home remedies that can help to overcome this condition. Some of the more common methods include:
  • Apply a cold compress. A cold compress can help reduce swelling and shrink dilated blood vessels. This treatment reduce the puffiness and help eliminate dark circles. Wrap a few ice cubes in a clean washcloth and apply to your eyes. You can damp a washcloth with cold water and apply it to the skin under your eyes for 20 minutes for the same effect. Repeat this process many times with cold water and ice.
  • Get extra sleep. Good sleep can also help reduce the appearance of dark circles. Lack of sleep can cause your skin to appear pale, making the dark circles more visible. You should sleep seven to eight hours  to prevent dark circles from appearing.
  • Elevate your head. Lack of sleep can play a part in producing those dark bags under your eyes, sometimes it also depend that "how you sleep?"To get rid of  fluid under your eyes which can make your eyes look puffy and swollen,Elevate your head with some thing like pillows.

  • Soak with tea bags. Cold tea bags treatment to your eyes can improve their appearance. Tea help to stimulate blood circulation,shrink your blood vessels and reduce liquid under your eyes.Because tea contain caffeine and antioxidant. Soak two black or green tea bags in hot water for five minutes. Let them chill in the refrigerator for 15 to 20 minutes. Apply the teabags to your closed eyes for 10 to 20 minutes when they become chilled .After removing, rinse your eyes with cool water.

  • Conceal with makeup. Makeup and cosmetics can not  cure dark eye circles but they can help to mange them. Concealers can cover dark circles so they blend in with your normal skin color and become low visible.You should be very careful while using  any treatment or makeup product. Some products can cause your symptoms to worsen and may trigger an allergic reaction. If you see irregular symptoms from any treatment and makeup product then stop using that and consult your doctor.

Before  / After

Saturday, July 18, 2020

July 18, 2020

How to lose weight in just 7 Days?

How to lose weight in just 7 Days?

Weight loose

In our obsessed society, lots of people think that being overweight is an appearance issue. But having extra weight is a medical issue because it can seriously affect a person's health.

Being overweight can put you on a number of health troubles, from heart disease to diabetes. Being overweight can also create problem like  joints pain, breathing truble, sleeping, mood changes, and energy levels. So being overweight can affect whole quality of life.

There are sevarel reasons of  weight gain.

1. Hormonal imbalance

2. Fluid retention

3. PCOD or menstrual disorders

4. Insomnia

5. Side effect of certain medication

 There are Several health Problem Caused by Extra weight gain 

Sleep apnea.
High blood pressure
Fatty liver
Joint and muscle pain
Slipped capital femoral epiphyses
Pseudotumor cerebri

Now Question is that 

How to loose Weight ?

lose of weight fast there are many ways.Different Diet plans leave Us feeling hungry and unsatisfied. This is the reasons why we find it hard to stick to a diet.
However, not all diets have this effect. Low carb diets are very  effective for weight loss and easy to follow rather than others.
Research suggests that a low carb diet can reduce appetite, which may lead you to eat fewer calories without thinking about it or feeling hungry .Whether or not you’re specifically aiming to cut carbs, most of us consume unhealthy amounts of sugar and refined carbohydrates such as white bread, pizza dough, pasta, pastries, white flour, white rice, and sweetened breakfast cereals.
Your meals should include a protein, fat, and low carb vegetables.High protein diets can reduce cravings and obsessive thoughts about food.It reduce the desire to Eat much and make you feel full.
A diet full of protein sources and vegetables contains all the fiber, vitamins, and minerals you need to be healthy.

Many vegetables are low in carbs, including:

  • broccoli
  • cauliflower
  • spinach
  • tomatoes
  • kale
  • Brussels sprouts
  • cabbage
  • Swiss chard
  • lettuce
  • cucumber

Tuesday, July 14, 2020

July 14, 2020

Mind blowing Benifits Of Mango

Mind blowing Benifits Of Mango

Mango is Known As King Of Fruites. Mangoes are from drupe family. They are available in hundreds of varieties in the world.They are different in colors and shapes. The mango fruit contains nearly twenty different minerals and vitamins and is among the most nutrient fruits available.Mango is a good source of immune-boosting nutrients.Mango is a good source of vitamin B, as well as vitamins A, C, K and E — all of which help boost immunity. Mango is good in taste as well as it has many health benefits. Mangoes only grow in warmer climates.

Mango is low in calories But They have a lot of nutrients.

Trusted Source

  • Calories: 99
  • Protein: 1.4 g
  • Carbs: 24.7 g
  • Fat: 0.6 g
  • Dietary fiber: 2.6 g
  • Vitamin C: 67% of the RDI
  • Copper: 20% of the RDI
  • Folate: 18% of the RDI
  • Vitamin B6: 11.6% of the RDI
  • Vitamin A: 10% of the RDI
  • Vitamin E: 9.7% of the RDI
  • Vitamin B5: 6.5% of the RDI
  • Vitamin K: 6% of the RDI
  • Niacin: 7% of the RDI
  • Potassium: 6% of the RDI
  • Riboflavin: 5% of the RDI
  • Manganese: 4.5% of the RDI
  • Thiamine: 4% of the RDI

  • Magnesium: 4% of the RDI                                                                                              (RDI stands For  Reference Daily Intake )
Here i Wil give you healthy reasons for why you should eat mangoes during summer.

Helps in digestion
Boosts Immunity
Promotes eye health
 Lowers Cholesterol
Clears the Skin
 Aids Weight Loss

How Mango Help in Digestion ?

Mango has many qualities that make it excellent for digestive system.Mangoes contain enzymes that Helps to breakdown and digestion of protein, and also fibre, which keeps the digestive tract working efficiently.Mango contains plenty of water that may help solve digestive problems like constipation and diarrhea.

How Mango Boosts Immunity?

Mango have  vitamin C and vitamin A and plentiful carotenoids that help to maintain a strong and healthy immune system. An average sized mango has upto two-third of the daily intake need of vitamin C. The antioxidant Which is Present in mango helps boost immunity system and prevents cold and flu.Vitamin A is also necessary for a healthy immune system because it helps fight infections. If you do not take enough vitamin A is linked to a greater infection risk .All these essential nutrients which mango contains are beneficial for your immune system keeping it strong and healthy.

How Mango Helps To Promote Eyes health?

Mango has  nutrients that help to Promote healthy eyes. Mango is a big Source of Vitamin "A".This vitamin  promotes healthy eyesight and helps to prevent eye-related disease and illness.
The powerful antioxidant that are present in mangoes help improve vision, boosts overall eye health and even prevents age related illness like macular degeneration or loss of vision.Lack of  vitamin A has been linked to dry eyes and nighttime blindness.

How Mango Help To Control Cholesterol ?

Eating mangoes can help to maintain  your cholesterol levels.Mangoes contain high level of vitamin C, fibre and pectin that make it a perfect fruit which helps in controlling high cholesterol level.
. The high levels of fibre pectin may help bring down the low-density which causes plaques in the vessels and blocks blood flow.

How Mango clear the skin ?

Mangoes are fully loaded with skin healing nutrients.Eating mango helps to fight against spot  skin and it helps to clear pores, and it has also to be used externally for skin too. Its vitamin E content helps to keep skin younger looking for long time.
Mangoes are filled with  vitamin C and Vitamin A, These are very skin friendly ingredients.
Vitamin "A" and Vitamin "C" are best for healthy skin and skin repair. 

How Mango helps to loos weight ?

Mangoes  could also help in weight loss. The phytochemicals That found in the mango skin act as natural fat busters. The mango Skin is full of with dietary fibres.Mango contains a lot of vitamins and essential nutrients.One mango makes you feel fuller. Also  it is loaded with fibrous content That boosts the digestive function and burns unwanted calories from the body. This helps in losing extra weight.

Monday, July 13, 2020

July 13, 2020

Best Ingredient For Precaution In Coronavirus (COVID-19)

Best Ingredient For Precaution In Coronavirus (COVID-19)

What is Coronavirus(COVID-19)?

Coronaviruses is a large family of viruses that cause illness that start  from the common cold to more severe diseases such as MERS-CoV and SARS-CoV.Chinese first reported cases of acute respiratory illness associated with a seafood and animal market in the city of Wuhan on December 31, 2019. A week later, they confirmed that coronavirus, SARS-CoV-2, was associated with this initial cluster of cases, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). The first confirmed case of COVID-19, the disease caused by SARS-CoV-2, in the United States was reported on January 21, 2020; by the end of March, the number of cases had climbed to 188,200.In Pakistan More then 100000 cases are reported.

What are symptoms?

The most common symptoms of this Virus are 

  • Fever 
  • Dry cough
  • Tiredness
  • Difficulty in Breathing

 These Are Common signs of infection Like respiratory symptoms, fever, cough, shortness of breath and breathing difficulties. In more cases this  infection can cause pneumonia, severe acute respiratory syndrome and kidney failure and even death.

What cause Coronavirus?

Mostly Coronavirus spreads from person to person but It is not yet exactly know That how this happens. viruses Spread Through  droplets in Air  when someone coughs.

How We Protect Our Self And Others ?

where you are in the world, there are hygiene recommendations from the World Health Organization that can helps To spread of this and other similar illnesses:

  • Wash your hands  with soap and water.
  • Cover your mouth and nose When cough. 
  • Stay at least 1 metre Far from anyone.
  • Maintain social distancing.
  • Clean surfaces in the household that are touched.
  • Stay home if you feel Any symptom.
  • Seek medical attention If you have a fever, cough and difficulty in  breathing 
  • Follow the directions of your local health authority.

 Prevention is better then cure

Whole Word is fighting against coronavirus but still they could not found any solution.But here i will tell you some useful ingredient that helps you to boost your immune system and make you strong to fight against COVID-19.
We have magical ingredients in our kitchen that will fight against coronavirus.


Garlic is a popular remedy to boost the immune system. It has been shown to have germ-fighting properties.Garlic had some inhibitory effects on a coronavirus. Garlic is  used as a flavor, and anti-microbial and anti-diarrheal agent. Infectious bronchitis virus (IBV) is a coronavirus.It’s packed with vitamins B and C, manganese, selenium, iron, copper and potassium. Garlic is a small ingredient but its benefits are mighty. In fact, this little vegetable gives you a lot more than just bad breath. It also gives you allicin, an oily chemical compound found in garlic that packs a superfood punch.So before corona virus attack you you should included garlic in your daily diet for prevention of this virus.

How to Use Garlic?

Peel off one clove of garlic.keep that clove for five minutes in air because when air touches the garlic there on the surface of garlic very strong antibodies create.After 5 minutes eat that don`t need to chew that just swallow it.


There are so many home remedies that help in boosting the immune system.Coronavirus is the biggest scare of the world now a days.Ginger is one of the most favourite And useful ingredients that comes to our mind Because of its rich medicinal value as it is traditionally used for treating cold-related ailments.Most of COVID-19 symptoms areLike  flu, ginger is a one of best ingredient in getting rid of the respiratory illnesses.Ginger can also help in boosting your immunity. Strong and perfect immunity is all we need at this Attack of virus. Ginger is rich in anti inflammatory properties and alo it  increasing the body’s immunity. The anti-inflammatory properties help in Relif the pain during sore throats which is the common symptom of coronavirus.Ginger also provides heat that the body requires at this point.

How To Use Ginger?

Add a Piece of ginger in hot water And boil it. when water left half then turn off flame.pour the water in a cup.Add a lemon in the water and enjoy it.Ginger  works as an antioxidant and helps the body in releasing toxins which result in the removal of the infection and flu. The Vitamin C, which is present in the lemon, acts as an active agent in the clearing of the respiratory blockages due to mucous.